Our Guiding Principles
We recognize and amplify the power, voices, knowledge, and experiences of Black, Indigenous,
and other residents of color.
We create and foster inclusive spaces where
team members and District residents can
show up as their whole and true selves.
Our assessments push for liberation and equal outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and other residents of color. We are not free until we are all free.
We all deserve to be honored, respected, and dignified in all we do. This includes how we
speak about, care about, and engage District residents impacted by racism.
We honor intersectionality in our racial equity policy analysis, community engagement, and team culture. This means examining how other social categories such as gender or class may overlap with race.
History and facts are our guide. Honestly acknowledging history, trauma, and the lived experiences of residents ensures we confront
the past in our analysis.
We create timely, relevant, and informative content for Councilmembers, staff, and District residents.
We produce accessible materials, documents, and resources. To us, accessibility means a simple
path to information and opportunities. This includes physical access, language and cultural access,
time to access, and financial access. This also includes access to decision making, particularly for
Black communities and other communities of color to make decisions by and for themselves. In addition,
we strive towards building a more welcoming and re-envisioned system worth accessing.
We believe that everything is a matter of racial equity. Race and racism are deeply ingrained in institutions and systems. Therefore, we must challenge all forms of racism regardless of how it shows up.
We boldly “speak truth to power.” This means
we speak the truth even when it may not be
easy or convenient to do so.
We are humble learners joining the long fight for racial justice. We honor those who
came before us and recognize the great responsibility ahead of us.
We recognize the racial harms of the past, its impact in the present, and prioritize
healing as we labor to build a more racially equitable future for the District.
Header mural painted by Eric B. Ricks as part of DPW's MuralsDC program.